Why export goods in Switzerland?
Switzerland has become during the past few years a popular destination for export and relocation.
When it is time to decide where to concentrate or expand a business it is necessary to take into account many aspects, such as: political and economic characteristics of the country, bureaucracy, stability, corruption, quality of infrastructures and connections, geographic collocation.
Switzerland represent a reality which can offer excellent opportunities under many of those points of view. A stable and solid political and economic scenario, soft bureaucracy, low corruption.
n fact, in 2019, the country ranked fifth (out of 141) in the Global Competitiveness Index compiled by the World Economic Forum. The index measures every year the quality of institutions, policy and all the other aspects affecting economic prosperity in the medium and long term.
Export in Switzerland from Italy
From the Italian perspective you can also consider as an advantage the geographical proximity and all the aspects relating to the agreements in force with the EU in the field of commerce, among others.
Switzerland represents a perfect economic partner to export goods, especially for those who want to expand their Italy-based business.
Necessary documents to export in Switzerland
To export goods in Switzerland it is necessary to take into account some fundamental aspects. First of all, the documents.
SAD, AEO system and EUR1
For countries outside the EU the SAD (Single Administrative Document) is required. It is a customs declaration and it is ruled by the reg. CEE 2454/93.
For countries inside the EU it is possible to benefit form rules and simplifications in force in the Community. In particular, AEO system (Authorized Economic Operator), and all the advantages and the supports connected to it, helps in accelerate and simplify the export procedures.
To benefit from the preferential treatment in force in the EU area, it is necessary to proof the origin of the expedition through EUR1 document (for goods under 6.000 euros the declaration of origin on the invoice is sufficient).
Commercial invoice
To export goods the commercial invoice (or an equivalent commercial document) is also very important. It must be compiled in three copies and has to report the essential information about the transported goods.
The document must indicate amount, emission data, number of packages, gross and net weight, description and origin of the goods, information about addressee and supplier. Depending on the kind of goods, it could also be necessary to supply phytosanitary (in case of vegetal products) or sanitary (in case of meat and products of animal origin) certificates.
Transport document
The goods exported in Switzerland must be associated with a DDT, which substitutes the shipping document and certifies the transfer of the goods form the seller to the buyer in a specific location.
This document has to include: information about the seller and the buyer, number and data of the document, description and quantity of goods, information about the carrier, number and weight of the packages, exit data of the goods from the location of the seller.
Another similar document is the CMR (Convention des Merchandises par Route), the international waybill.
Certificate of origin of the goods
It is very important to declare the origin of the exporting goods, in case it is outside the EU. The certificate of origin is not necessary between member states unless the goods has to be re-exported.
It remains necessary in the exchange with third countries, instead. The aim of the certificates of origin is to certify the country of origin of the goods and the absence of modification and alterations of goods between the place of origin and the place of destination.
Documents for temporary import-export CH
Another procedure to mention is the temporary import-export of goods in Switzerland. Its aim is to simplify the international traffic of goods allowing to temporary import/export the goods, in full or partial exemption of customs duties.
The goods under temporary admission must be clearly identifiable. In case of non re-exporting of the goods the customs duties must be paid with interests.
The categories of goods admissible for the temporary export are:
- equipment and material for fairs, exhibitions, conferences and similar;
- commercial samples and goods for testing purposes;
- equipment for professional activities or reparations;
- sports equipment;
- goods for educational, scientific or cultural purposes.
ATA carnet for temporary import
It is possible to temporary import goods in Switzerland under the coverage of the ATA carnet. It is a document allowing the temporary import in non-EU countries which subscribed the ATA convention. It usually lasts 12 months.
Exporting goods in Switzerland with Ansali
We mentioned the most important documents required for the import of goods in Switzerland, but the certifications may vary depending on the origin and destination country. It is necessary to be always well informed or to rely on an expert in the field.
Despite the opportunities offered by Switzerland, it has to be considered that the export operations are very complex and rely on an expert operator to handle them is always a good choice.